If you encounter duplicated phone numbers for clients in The Edge, you've come to the right place. This article will guide you through the necessary steps to resolve the issue and eliminate any duplicate entries.
STEP 1) Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits
Go to the Customer Options in your Edge Configuration settings and make sure the setting titled Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits is set to True.
- In your Edge, click Administrative in top right.
- Click System Options.
- Find the section titled Customer Options.
- Set Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits to True.
Turning on phone number validation for client profiles is important for keeping phone numbers formatted correctly. It helps avoid formatting problems like dashes or letters in the numbers and keeps things clean. This will help prevents duplicates from popping up!
STEP 2) Clean Existing Phone Numbers
Once you complete step 1, you won’t have to worry about duplicate phone numbers for new entries anymore. To fix existing phone numbers on client profiles, The Edge has a tool called the Normalize Phone function.
This feature lets you validate all the phone numbers in your Edge account. When run, it moves any extra details into an "Extension" field, making it easy to clean up your records and keep your client profiles accurate.
IMPORTANT: Please note that running the Normalize Phone function carries a potential risk of data loss. If you have any concerns, we recommend reaching out to Edge Support directly.
Run The Normalize Phone Function:
- In your Edge, click the Customers tab.
- Click Normalize Phone.
- Follow the prompts to complete the process.