In order for a Review Request or Repair Notification to be sent from the Edge to Clientbook, the following conditions must be met:
Running the most recent version of The Edge
Edge has been properly configured for Review Requests & Repair Notifications
Client has a profile in Clientbook
Client has a phone number in Clientbook
Phone number in Clientbook matches phone number chosen for review request in The Edge
- Phone number chosen for review request or repair notification is a mobile number
Associate sending the request has a profile in Clientbook
Associate sending the request has their Edge POSID in their Clientbook profile
Possible Errors and How to Troubleshoot:
STEP 1) Confirm your Edge software is up to date:
Check for updates in The Edge. If there is a software update available be sure to complete the update before moving on to step 2.
STEP 2) Confirm this feature has been set up correctly in the Edge:
Reference the article Edge Integration: Review Requests and Repair Notification Setup for detailed instructions on the setup process.
STEP 3) Confirm the preferred contact method is a mobile number
The phone number selected when sending a Review Request or a Repair Notification in the Edge must be listed as their "Preferred Contact Method" and as a "Mobile Number". Without those two boxes checked, the request can not be sent to Clientbook and will fail to send.
If the "Mobile" and "Preferred" boxes next to the client's phone number in The Edge are not currently checked, make sure you check them and hit save. Once you've done that, log into Clientbook and locate your client's profile, then confirm the following information:
- Are the POS (Point Of Sale) ID numbers the same on their profile in Clientbook and in the Edge?
- Does the phone number listed on their Clientbook profile match what you just marked as "mobile" and "preferred" in the Edge?
STEP 4) Confirm your profile is set up correctly in Clientbook:
The associate sending the review request or repair notification must have an active profile in Clientbook. Additionally, their Edge ID needs to be saved in their Clientbook profile under the POS ID field. This is how their Clientbook profile and Edge profile are linked.
Confirm your associate's Edge ID is listed on their Clientbook profile:
You must have "Admin" or "Manager" access in Clientbook to complete these steps.
Login to the Clientbook dashboard (the desktop version of Clientbook)
Locate the Manage dropdown
Select Associates
Open the associate's profile by clicking on their name (highlighted in blue).
Click the blue Edit Associate button
Confirm their Edge ID number is listed in the box located in the bottom left corner.
If the POS (Point Of Sale) ID field is blank or incorrect, insert the correct Edge ID, then hit save.
Sync Associates between Clientbook and the Edge:
(this step is only necessary if you updated or added the associate's POS ID number during step 6 above)
- Restart your Edge server
Double-click on the shortcut labeled Econ-Stop Sync on your desktop. This will stop your incremental sync so we can make changes. - After you open this shortcut a quick query will run. Once it's finished you can close out of it.
Double-click the shortcut labeled Econ-Config on your desktop.
Select Clientbook under Last Updated, then click Edit
You are now in Econ Settings. Navigate to the Clientbook tab
Click the Get Associates button in the bottom left corner
Save and Close - Now you are on the Edge Connection page
Check the Upload everything this one time box
Click Upload
Click Sync Associates, to start the data sync, then hit the ok button once it's done
- Click Sync IDs, to start the next data sync, then hit the ok button once it's done. After that, you are welcome to close out of this program.
Double-click on the shortcut labeled Econ-Start Sync on your desktop to resume the automatic data sync. Once the query has finished running you are welcome to close out of this program (until this step is completed, your data will not automatically transfer between Clientbook and the Edge).
STEP 5) Re-authenticate Clientbook in the Edge
After restarting the Edge, or completing a software update in the Edge, you will need to re-authenticate your Clientbook account.
- Open the Edge (this can be done on any workstation)
- Open the Administrative settings
- Find and select Clientbook
- Choose the Authenticate option
- Click Start
- Enter your Clientbook License Key and Password (this is different than your normal login - see instructions on how to find it below)
- Sign in
- Close out of the web browser that automatically opens (the step described after logging in can be ignored - it was completed when your integration was initially set up)
How to find your License Key and Password?
This information can be found on the Clientbook Dashboard (Desktop) by following these steps
- Login as an Admin
- Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of your screen
- Select Settings
- Click General Settings on the navigation panel located on the left-hand side of the page.
- Locate your Account ID and Password in your App Account info
If you have any questions or need additional guidance contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.