Amount Requested reports allow you to view the total dollar amount each associate has requested from clients. You can select whether you want this report to be based on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To run a report on the total amount of money requested by your associates, follow the steps below:
Click on the Amount Requested button located on the left side of the screen.
Choose a reporting location. If your business has multiple locations, you can choose to run this report on one, or all of your different operating locations. The report will show you the total amount requested from clients assigned to the store(s) you select.
Select the Frequency. You can select whether your report should reveal data on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Establish the time frame you want the report to measure. The system will extract all statistics found within the two dates that you choose.
Click Run Report.
A linear graph will generate displaying the amount of money requested on each date. Hover your mouse over each of the little circles in each line to get an exact number for each date.
A table displaying the same data will generate directly below the graph. Click Download to save this chart to your computer.
And you're done! If you have any questions or concerns regarding Reports, contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.