Running a report on Recent Notes allows you to see which associates are adding notes to their clients. Each note created by an associate counts as 1 in the report. To run a report on Recent Notes, follow the steps below:
Click on the Recent Notes button located on the left side of the screen.
Choose a reporting location. If your business has multiple locations, you can choose to run this report on one, or all of your different operating locations. The report will show the number of notes added to clients who are part of the store(s) you select.
Select which Associate you want to run a report on. The default parameter is All Associates. However, if you are looking for a more narrow report, you can also select individual associates.
Establish the time frame you want the report to measure. The system will extract all statistics found within the two dates that you choose.
Click Run Report.
A chart will generate directly below the graph. Click Download to save this chart to your computer.
What does this data mean?
Date: Date the note was added.
Note: Written contents of the note.
Activity: Item the note was added to ex. Opportunity Stage, Reminder, Activity etc.
Associate: Associate who added the note.
And you're done! If you have any questions or concerns regarding Reports, contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.