Marking a message unread in the Dashboard:
To change a message's status to unread, follow the steps below:
1. Click on Inbox at the top of the navigation bar.
2. Hover your mouse over the message you would like to mark as unread. Click on the three dots that appear.
3. Click on Mark as Unread.
And that's it! That message will now be marked as unread.
Marking a message as unread in the App:
1. Navigate to Inbox within the Clientbook mobile app:
2. Navigate to the client conversation you would like to mark as unread. There's two ways that you can then mark the conversation as unread.
You can swipe on the client's name to mark it unread from the list view, or select the three dots in the top right of the client conversation and select "mark as unread."
And that's it! That message will now be marked as unread. If you have any questions regarding the Dashboard or Clientbook mobile app, reach out to our Customer Support Team at (385) 352-3518 or