In the event that you need to issue a refund, the process can be seamlessly completed with just a few clicks. To learn how to issue a refund to your clients, follow the directions below.
From the Dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the Today page where we can view all payment links that have been sent.
All of your past payment history will be displayed. Click on the payment you would like to refund.
This will take you to the Payment Activity Details screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and click on Refund Payment.
Important: You can only issue a refund for a payment that is labeled, "Paid".
Enter the amount you would like to refund. Describe the reason for the refund. Click on Issue Refund.
Important: If your refund fails to send, click HERE to resolve the issue.
And you're done! The money from that payment request will be returned to your client.
If you have any questions or need additional guidance contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.