Today Page Reminders in Dashboard
Located above the Reminders section on the Today page, you'll find the Assigned to Me toggle. By default, this setting displays reminders that are exclusively "Assigned to Me." These reminders are generated by actions that you've performed, such as closing a sale, creating an Opportunity, or adding a tag to a client's profile.
If you turn off the toggle, all reminders associated with your clients will appear, regardless of the associate to whom they're assigned. This feature grants you greater flexibility in managing your reminders and ensures that you never miss a critical task.
If the toggle is turned on, only those reminders that are assigned to you will appear. You can reassign those reminders to another associate by checking the boxes of the ones you want, and clicking on Assign Associate. For a more detailed guide on Assigning Associates, click here.
Today Page Reminders in IOS App
In the iOS app, you can utilize this filter by tapping the View All button next to the Reminders section.
Tap on the funnel icon in the top right corner of the screen.
Tap Show All Clients to see all reminders linked to your clients. Tap Apply Filter.
How To View all Overdue Reminders on Dashboard
1. Click on the Clientbook logo to go to the Today page.
2. Click on Load All Reminders at the bottom of the reminders section.
3. All overdue reminders will then appear on your screen. Use the pagination at the bottom of the page to navigate and view more reminders.
How To View all Overdue Reminders on App
1. Open up your Clientbook mobile app.
2. Tap on the Today page.
3. Scroll down to the Reminders section.
All overdue reminders will be listed there.
If you have any questions regarding the Dashboard, reach out to our Customer Support Team at (385) 352-3518 or