The Dashboard provides you with meticulously curated reports for each of your locations, exhibiting the performance of your stores. Not only that, but you can also effortlessly assess the performance of the associates belonging to those locations.
To get to the Stores page, click on the Setup tab. Under the Setup dropdown, select Stores.
Click on the store you would like to view.
Several statistics will be listed. Each key statistic and what they measure can be found in the list below:
Sent Messages: Measures the number of messages sent to clients in the store this month. You can see the total number of messages sent, then see how many of those messages were sent by associates vs automation.
Sales Opportunities: Measures the number of Sales Opportunities created, won, and lost this month.
Client Contacts: Scores are calculated from your team's daily client contacts. These actions include: sending a message, sharing a collection, adding a new client and any other scored client activities. Maximum of 1 point per client each day.
Top Associates: Ranks associates by the number of Client Contacts they performed this month.
Total Outreach: Measures the number of client message sent, new clients added, collections created, and notes added in the last 12 weeks.
Reminder Timeliness: This measures how often your associates complete reminders on time.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your store's clienteling statistics, contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.