Take your business to the next level by integrating your customer and product data into Clientbook! This hassle-free process allows you to unlock a whole new set of features and capabilities.
Get started with our seamless integration process! Connect your Shopify admin account to Clientbook and let our team guide you through the rest. We will ensure that your data is integrated flawlessly, so you can focus on what matters most – your customers.
To connect your Shopify account to Clientbook, follow the steps below.
- Add Associates: Create profiles in Clientbook for all associates who will be using the platform. Click HERE for instructions on adding associates to Clientbook.
Map Associates: Connect your Clientbook associates to the matching Shopify user profile.
- Log in to your Admin Shopify account.
- Navigate to Users by clicking Settings in bottom left corner of the page.
- Click Users and Permissions in the left navigation menu.
- Click the name of a user to view their information in Shopify.
- Copy the number at the end of the URL.
- Paste this number in the POS ID section of the associate profile in Clientbook
Create a Custom App in Shopify.
- Click “Settings” in bottom left corner of the page
- click “Apps and sales channels” in the left navigation menu
- Click “Develop Apps” in the top right corner, then “Create an app”
- Enter “Clientbook” as the App Name, then click “Create App”
Configure Custom App in Shopify.
- Go the “Configuration” tab, then click “Configure” next to Admin API integration.
Check the following boxes:
Read_products - Click “Save” >> “Install App” >> “Install”
- Go the “Configuration” tab, then click “Configure” next to Admin API integration.
Send Shopify Custom App credentials to support@clientbook.com
- In the API credentials tab, copy the “Admin API access token”
- In the left navigation menu, click “Domains”
- Copy the store domain. For example, “edison-clientbook.myshopify.com”
- Send this information to support@clientbook.com and let our support team know that you need your Shopify Integration completed.
If you have any questions regarding Shopify Integrations, you can reach our Customer Support team at support@clientbook.com or (385) 352-3518.