If you need to send a refund and the money isn't going through, that can be a very uncomfortable situation. To aid in these situations, we have a couple of suggestions to help you resolve any issues you might have when refunding a client.
There are three different options to consider if a refund is not going through:
You have the option to wait until you have generated enough sales through Payments to cover the cost of the refund. Those funds can be used to quickly transfer the refund.
You can reach out to our Customer Support Team and request a link that allows you to load your refund reserve with the adequate funds to transfer the refund. You will need to fill out several forms and once your refund has been initiated, you will receive an order number. Our team will send the order number to our Payments partners who will then load your reserve fund with the adequate amount. We will then complete the refund process for you.
If all else fails, you can always write a check and mail it to your customer.
We are here to help! If you have any further questions, reach out to our Customer Support Team at support@clientbook.com or call us (385) 352-3518.