By adding a bank account to your Clientbook account, you can easily send payment requests and keep track of all digital transactions between you and your clients. While it is not a mandatory requirement for using Clientbook, adding a bank account is necessary to use our payment feature.
Follow the instructions below to add a bank account.
Go to the Payments tab located at the top of your Dashboard. Click on Bank Accounts.
Click on Add Bank Account located on the right side of the screen.
A screen will appear listing all necessary documents and information you need in order to complete the process. Make sure that you have all the necessary information and click Confirm to continue.
Write the details of your business into the individual text boxes.
Add a Company Rep who has significant control over the group. For example, the CEO, COO, or CFO. Add their information and click Continue.
In order for your account to be verified, you must add the information for each person that owns at least 25% or more of your company. Add their information and click Continue.
Agree to Clientbook's Service Agreement, and Clientbook's Pricing Agreement and click Continue.
Enter your bank account information and click Complete.
With all your information added, our Payments Team will verify your account. You can view the progress of your account verification process by going to the Bank Accounts page. Alongside your newly added account will be an icon labeled "Pending." Once your account has been verified, you will be notified via email. That icon will change to Primary.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Bank Accounts, contact our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.