In the Dashboard, you have the ability to assign chats to your associates. Assigning chats means that those client conversations will then appear in your associate's message box in the app and Dashboard. To assign a chat to your associates, follow the steps below:
Click on the Messaging tab at the top of the Dashboard.
Click on Inbox.
Click on Store Inbox.
Important: You can only assign chats from the Store Inbox.
Hover your mouse over a chat that you would like to assign. Click on the three dots next that appear next to it.
Click on Assign.
Select an associate. You can also select multiple associates and the chat will appear in each associate's inbox.
Click on Save.
And that's it! Now that chat will appear in each associate's inbox. If you have any questions about the Dashboard, reach out to our Customer Support Team at or (385) 352-3518.